Our beautiful church is over 160 years old, originally completed in 1859, and requires a lot of upkeep. We are blessed to work closely with our community and specialists in their trades in keeping her beautiful. If you would like to donate to the Restoration Fund of Church of the Assumption, please donate below. You may also donate in honor or memory of a loved one, family or friends.
Should you wish to give to the restoration fund then please click here and select 'Restoration / Building Fund'.
Conrad Schmitt Studios are rebuilding the Church of the Assumption after a tornado ripped through Middle Tennessee in March of 2020.
As part of the rebuilding efforts, Parishoners and supporters of the Church are encouraged to purchase a star in the ceiling. These stars can commemorate significant life events such as weddings, baptisms, and confirmations. They may also be given in memory of our loved ones. Please see attached brochure for reference.
Should you wish to purchase a star, please contact Laura Cooper in the Church Office or click 'Give Here' above and follow the Fund allocated to Stars.