The Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

1227 7th Avenue North

Nashville, Tennessee 37208

Office:   615.256.2729


Mass Times

This schedule is provided as a REFERENCE ONLY and is not updated in the event of a last minute change, Assumption uses the MyParish App as their communication tool for quick communications.

With winter weather possible in the near future, I wish to communicate the procedure Assumption will follow in the event of inclement weather. Please be aware that as well as trying to keep our schedule as regular as possible, we need to also weigh the risks and safety of having parishioners travel to and around our facility in inclement weather. Many parishioners travel significant distances to attend Mass and that weighs heavily on my mind.


 During weekdays if Metro Nashville schools are closed, Mass will be cancelled, and the office will be closed.


On weekends, Saturday & Sunday, the situation will be a little harder to predict. Obviously, you will need to use your judgement as to if it is safe to travel from your home to Assumption. The local news & weather would be the first resource as to road conditions. If the newscast advises “ If you don’t have to be out on the roads, please stay home” please heed their advice. We do not have the resources for snow and ice removal and our gravel parking lot cannot be plowed. It is also unlikely that metro will plow side streets in time for Mass.



If there is snow and ice on a Sunday, it is dangerous to travel, the Sunday Obligation is commuted to the reading of the Mass readings & collect and the recitation of the family rosary for all families who are unable to make it to Mass safely.


Please check this schedule often as this will only be the schedule while we are repairing and restoring our church.

Once we are back in the church this schedule will likely change.


  All Masses are held upstairs in Buddeke House Chapel.

Buddeke House is located directly across the street (7th Avenue North) from the church.


First Saturday: 10:00 am - Latin Low Mass in Buddeke House Chapel

  Sunday: All Sunday Masses are held upstairs in Buddeke House Chapel     

7:00 am: Latin Low Mass

        8:30 am: English Low Mass with Hymns

10:00 am: Latin High Mass

​Daily Mass:

No Public Mass on Monday

Tuesday through Friday: 7 am Latin Low Mass in Buddeke House Chapel

Note: Daily Masses are moved to 6 pm on Feast days. Please see bulletins for our weekly schedule or refer to the MyParish app (link on Homepage).

With winter weather possible in the near future, I wish to communicate the procedure Assumption will follow in the event of inclement weather. Please be aware that as well as trying to keep our schedule as regular as possible, we need to also weigh the risks and safety of having parishioners travel to and around our facility in inclement weather. Many parishioners travel significant distances to attend Mass and that weighs heavily on my mind.


 During weekdays if Metro Nashville schools are closed, Mass will be cancelled, and the office will be closed.


On weekends, Saturday & Sunday, the situation will be a little harder to predict. Obviously, you will need to use your judgement as to if it is safe to travel from your home to Assumption. The local news & weather would be the first resource as to road conditions. If the newscast advises “ If you don’t have to be out on the roads, please stay home” please heed their advice. We do not have the resources for snow and ice removal and our gravel parking lot cannot be plowed. It is also unlikely that metro will plow side streets in time for Mass.



If there is snow and ice on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation, it is dangerous to travel, the Sunday Obligation is commuted to the reading of the Mass readings & collect and the recitation of the family rosary for all families who are unable to make it to Mass safely.

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